Offering Tab (Applications)

The Offering tab is where you decide how customers can install your app.

Field Description
What kind of application are you listing? A package is the container that holds all the custom and standard tabs and objects that make up your app. Select whether your listing uses a package or the API. If the listing includes a package and the API, select the API option.
How should people install your application? See Choosing the Best Installation Option.
Enable free trial sign up of Salesforce and your application Check here if you want to allow customers to sign up for a free 30-day trial of Salesforce and your app. For details, see How do I offer a free trial of my app?
Link one or more of your uploaded packages to this listing If your listing includes a package, click Change Packages and include all versions of your app. Each package version can be associated with only one listing at a time.
Select the latest version of your application Select the version that you want customers to install. Information from this version is shown in the Specs tab on your listing. Each package version can be associated with only one listing at a time.
Link one or more of your trial templates to this listing If you're allowing a free trial, you must associate at least one trial template.
Select the sign-up trial template Select the template that customers will receive when signing into your free trial. For more information about trial templates see How do I offer a free trial of my app?
Test Drive Check here if you want to give Salesforce users a chance to test drive a read-only version of your app. See Associating a Test Drive with Your Listing.
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